Social Media Strategy, Planning and Building


600 posts in total in 2022*
380,000 Impressions
18,000 Engagements
6,000 Link Clicks
4.5% Engagement Rate (Engagements per impression)

550 posts in total in 2023*
830,000 Impressions
64,000 Engagements
27,500 Link Clicks
7.6% Engagement Rate

350 posts from January 2024 to May 2024*
425,000 Impressions
30,000 Engagements
17,000 Link Clicks
6.9% Engagement Rate

In the first year of working strategically on our social media presence, the posts were reduced and were more targeted, their quality was improved by images and video.  While the quantity of posts were reduced over all, impressions were doubled, engagement was more than tripled and users clicking on post links was more than quadrupled.  We were able to more accurately engage with our audiences and make the best of our content, sharing our stories, news and programming.

Looking to where we’re at already for 2024, we’re positioned to increase these impressive feats again.  In only 5 short months in 2024 we’ve already drastically surpassed what was done in twice the amount of posts only two short years prior – especially as it pertains to engagement and link clicks.  Which is ultimately what we’re looking for; our community to be involved and clicking to learn more about us, about our services, our people and our stories.

By utilizing our social media CMS SproutSocial we were able to schedule content long in advance for recognition days, weeks, months.  Internally tag posts for later tracking as they pertain to our planning and goals (such as stories, organizational, staff highlights and health resources).  Campaigns can also be created so individual groupings of posts can be easily tracked and compared to one another.

*Data has been rounded